Welcome to the Chicago Dental Office of Smileworks Center!
Welcome to the Lincoln Square dental practice of Tanya Melnyk DMD, Robert Wier DDS, and Jose Rosalez DMD. We provide comprehensive dental services, including general to restorative dentistry, that enhances the health and aesthetic of your smile. Quality dental care is what you deserve; we are dedicated to continued education to provide patients with the services they need.
Schedule your next dental exam with us today!
Modern Dental Treatments in Lincoln Square
Caring for your smile is an on-going process that promotes oral health as well as your overall wellness. Our doctors are committed to their patients’ continued oral health by providing individualized treatment plans that cater to your specific needs and goals. From offering mercury-free restorations, white fillings, and in-depth examinations of your smile, we are focused on you and your health.
Treatments offered at our practice include:
- Invisalign® Go
- TMJ Disorder and Occlusal guards
- Opalescence® Teeth Whitening
- Porcelain Veneers
- Crowns and Bridges
- Periodontal Disease Management
- Sedation options
By utilizing metal-free materials in all restorations, including those for dental implants, our Lincoln Square dentists, provide care with your overall health in mind. Our treatments are built around meeting patients’ expectations for aesthetics and health.
Our doctors know that preventive dentistry is important. We take the time to educate our patients about the importance of oral health and how to care for their smiles at home. We work with a network of specialty dentists, from endodontists for root canal treatment, to oral surgeons for dental implant placement. Our goal is to provide the best care possible at all times.
Compassionate Care at Smileworks Center
Our doctors provide experienced dental care and recommend treatments based on thorough examination of your oral health. Our Chicago dentist takes the time to understand your concerns and needs and offers options that solve your dental issues. Whether those involve the health of your gums or aesthetics to create a more uniform smile, we have solutions for you.
Contact Us Today!
Smileworks Center provides general and cosmetic dental services in the Chicago neighborhoods of Ravenswood, Lincoln Square, and Uptown. Our doctors are dedicated to providing comprehensive dental care to ensure healthy smiles that last. Contact us to schedule a consultation today for more information!
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